Mama, the first word, the first step, the toffee, the salty tears, running behind a butterfly, ghost stories, alladin and jin, angels and demons, stomachache for bunking classes, dreams in the in unmasked eyes. Few good old moments to live on.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Ka Ka of Crow

Why the Crow makes sounds like Ka...Ka...Ka...Ka ??? Have you ever thought of ??? There is a very good story behind this.

The story is of thousand years old. God was distributing qualities n traits to all creatures. All were in a Q and were in a hurry to get good traits. It was the time for all birds and animals. Lion got the thunder-stone roar, elephant got the whistle and so on…..Among the birds all got some kind of traits except Cuckoo and Crow. Everybody knew that Crow is very intelligent so it will get the best trait. Crow also promised to his best friends Sweety and Cutie that he will get the best. God called the cuckoo and gave the sweet voice. The crow was thinking then what I will get??? God called the crow and gave the Ka Ka voice to it.

All the birds went to a big field to test their traits. All made the demonstration. It’s the time for cuckoo now….She sang a beautiful song and praised. It’s the turn for Crow now. All were expecting the best …..the crow started ….Ka Ka Ka Ka….There was a pin drop silence and then all burst with laughter. The crow felt shame and decided to commit suicide.

He went to the top of the mountain. He was about to jump but stopped with a sweet but dearly voice. Yes…. Sweety and Cutie were calling.

The crow told with tear, “I don’t want to live with this shame”. Then sweety told ….ok…we won’t stop you. But listen for a minute.


“Meet our friend”, Guardian Angel, told Cutie.

A sweet girl with a everlasting smile came forward and told to the crow, “Do as I say for a minute”. The crow titled his head

“Shout at your best”, the angel told


To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain:"AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

With curiosity, he yelled: "Who are you?"
He receives the answer: "Who are you?"

And then the crow saw the angel for a moment and screamed to the mountain: "I hate you!"

The voice answers: "I hate you!"

Angered at the response, the crow screamed: "Coward!"
He received the answer: "Coward!"

Then the crow looked at the angel with a question mark: "What's going on? Are you doing some kind of magic?’

The angel smiled and said: "My friend, pay attention and try once again."

Again the crow screamed: "You are a champion!"
The voice answered: "You are a champion!"

The crow was in utter illusion, but could not understand.

Then the angel explained: "God created this special system named as ECHO, but really this is LIFE. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart".

“Why are you telling this to me? What bad thing I have done that God gave me this bad trait?” the crow asked with tears.

The angel took the crow in her hand told, my dear crow, in the Eyes of the God you are most intelligent creature of the world who can teach the best lesson to all the creatures. You can teach the world that ECHO is LIFE. You only can spread LOVE and happiness in the real meaning….not others. That’s why God gave you the power of ECHO in your voice. You will always say KA KA….which is nothing but the echo. You will make the world to get up in the morning and with your KA KA ….you will remind them their course of action. Who will follow your voice will be a saint in the real sense who can spread and get LOVE in return.

The crow cried with happiness from its heart. Thanked the God for giving such a big responsibility to a small bird.

From that day onwards crow is making the world to get up in the morning and reminding the world about the importance of ECHO…the Life.

If you like the story, Please leave your comments !!!